Pardon my very very late post about what I did last Valentine's day since I started working recently in the hospital and I'm in the midst of
'crucial adjustment'. I've been working for 3 weeks already and so far,I couldn't say I like it ;| Or perhaps, it takes time for me to grow on the OB-Gyne ward. hashtag
Anyway, I just revised the title of this entry instead which is about my Vday and my friend's craycray party. My valentine's day this year was quite different from before; Having said that half of my loved ones are distant from me already--my bestfriend is in Maryland while my suitor is in New York. Yet this suitor of mine knew how to create huge efforts even if we weren't able to spend it together. He made a video message to me and it was so sweet that I burst into tears while I was watching it ;")

That video message and the moment that we talked through Facetime on a Vday means a lot!

And here's something that I gave him last January.I hope to meet Mr.Jay someday ❤️
Besides that, I also spent Vday with 2 of my crazy crew at iHOP, Araneta. It was pretty much our first hang-out of the year!

Happy Hearts' day from ze crazy crew!Bianca,Sophie and yours truly! ;)
We tried the breakfast combo which contained scrambled eggs,sausage and hash brown with a side order of dessert.

1) Belgian Waffle with Berries 2) Strawberry Nutella Crepe 3)Strawberry Banana Danish Crepe

The third one's my order and it tasted sooo good!I enjoyed my strawberry/banana crepe very well ^_^
Then after a month,we celebrated Bianca's birthday at her condo and it was heck fun.I went there at 12mn already 'cause I was on an on-call PM shift that time (and frustratingly,it was hectic).So I had a sleepover at their place instead and pretty much,the party ended at 5am in the morning.Hahaha :)) YOLO nights with my crazy crew has always been the best ❤️ I don't mind being
drunk and sleepless with them.

So here we are,having karaoke while drinking Patron and Raspberry Absolut.This comes with a pink cocktail tower too!

Not only that,we were able to have an FT chat with our dearest in Maryland as well!Hello Kristine :D

Hence we are COMPLETE.
I hope these fun times are gonna happen again soon.More crewventures to come inspite the crazy work scheds!And I sure hope to catch with my other pending entries ;)
'til then!