I went to Paris and Brussels for a week with my parents and their colleagues. It was quite a similar itinerary I had the last time I went there 2 years ago which you can read about here. The only difference was that Paris was preppin’ up for the Paralympics so there were a bunch of road closures around the city. Nevertheless, it was interesting.

In addition to that, I saw this Emily In Paris-inspired restaurant near the Eiffel Tower and if you’re a fan of the series, then this is definitely a must-try!
(24SEP24) A month after that, I went on a 2nd round of solo traveling as part of my birthday escapades and it has led me to ROMANIA—one of the newest countries to join the Schengen zone. During the planning stage of this trip, I was really having second thoughts if I’m going to push through with it which I’m glad I did (Thanks to my dear friend who encouraged me so). I liked how the country was not as mainstreamed as other EU countries and that has built more of my confidence as a solo traveler. Other people said that it's unsafe, the language barrier is high and there are less Asians travelling there (but, so what?). However, I have to say that Romania has its own beauty and it’s another #EastSideStory for the books!

Here is my 4-day experience in my first Balkan country to visit with a short side-tour to Bulgaria!