It has been a month since I've started working in the hospital and so far, I still couldn't say whether I liked it or not.Maternal Care isn't really my forte during my nursing studies before but between that and the medicine ward,I guess I prefer to stay at the Ob-Gyne for a moment. I started as a dope here since I have very little knowledge in maternal care whether it's CS or NSD or even a Gyne case.Yet as I've had numerous duty days previously,I came to learn more about it.
This adjustment mode is gonna take a pretty long time to endure Sometimes I ask myself,
"what other positive interventions should I do?" Yet,many people say that it's always hard the beginning but once you get the hang of it, everything will drive in smoothly. And I just hope it happens to me someday~

The whole Ob-Gyne staff :)
Anyhow,I had my first ever company outing at
Coolwaves Waterpark Ranch at Bulakan, Bulacan last April 16th. I never thought that it was that near! Haha.Like it only took us an hour and half from Ortigas to the venue.

Me,Ma'm Raissa, MJ, Gladys, Cecil and Ma'm Weng at the back part of the bus.

Here's a polaroid shot with Ma'm Dom :)
We reserved 2 cottages there and for a whole day tour,we grilled,swam and played parlor games.Seriously,is that what they really do in company outings?Like one of the parlor games was a banana eating contest---but this one's different. The banana's covered with chocolate powder and you have to eat it first before you eat the whole banana (and you can't use your hands to eat it,btw)! So us, Junior staff were the contestants and apparently, I came in second!hahaha :)) We have a picture of it on Facebook.

The Ob-Gyne Junior Staff! Ma'm Aira,MJ, Ma'm Dom,yours truly,Ma'm Joyce and Gladys

and to narrate it less,here's a video of our whole outing made by one of our Seniors, Ma'm Jen :)
This is pretty much,my second all-girl family next to my college sisters.But this time,I'm the youngest here.
I have so much to learn on this love-hate relationship I have with work itself. Once again,I apologize for having this as a very late entry that it didn't make it as an entry for April. I had a straight 16-hr duty last week from 2pm-6am and it was...stressed (because I wasn't ready!) -__-
Anyway,we'll see what happens next.
'til then!