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I hope everyone has a fresh start of the year!
(01JAN25) I literally travelled on New Year’s Day to Japan with my whole extended family. Most of them was their first time to visit Tokyo so we did a basic 1-week itinerary to tour the capital. This trip was certainly one for the books as even if I went to same locations from my previous visits, I had new experiences and one of them is going to TOKYO DISNEYLAND! ⭐️

So here’s a “Japan Tales” entry highlighting some tips for a first-timer to Tokyo and some additional attractions that you might want to try on your next visit! My previous tips are still applicable at this current period which you can read here.

Another year has passed and I really don’t mind ending it—like finally! I felt like this dragon year has eaten me alive with all these “adulting challenges”. From adjusting on a 9 to 5 job to living solo on a studio flat which is on the farther side from my friends’ cribs; I made several life-changing decisions but none is related to marriage/relationships, YET! Haha. Though, I’m glad I survived and still made it to my happy place this Christmas.🇵🇭❤️
Here are my highlights of 2024 with a couple of teas. NB: All thoughts are of my own.

(17AUG24) I have joined the concert tour of the century and it was 100% worth it! Never have I watched a concert that was approximately 4 hours long and sang all of her hit songs. Taylor Swift has really justified her era!

I’m not really a die hard fan (and people would absolutely hate me for saying that I can’t even be called a ‘Swiftie’ ) but I adore her music—like whose teenage girl did not grew up nor can relate to her songs?! The way Taylor Swift dedicated her songs to her ex-lovers has moved and empowered a million people. So hats off to that! It was amazing to witness her tour and so, here’s to share my experience from it!
This might sound like a narrative but all thoughts are of my own ;)
I hope y'all like my new blog layout! 😅
It’s been several months since my last travel and it already felt like 2 years of being stuck in the UK. My adulting era has paved to its fullest during my long haul stay as I juggle a Monday-Friday job, carry my own flat chores and facilitating my residency status (which was approved!) Last March, I took the ‘Life in The UK’ exam on the same day that I landed in the country—and it was truly promising.⭐️ Since then, I kept reminiscing how I made throughout this overseas life. Did I make my 25-yr old self proud?
Here's my bucket-list check for my quinquennial British life. This might sound boring and a little self-centered but all thoughts are of my own

(15MAR24) This month marked my 5th year in the UK—and look how I celebrated it outside the country again! 😆 Pretty much because 1) I want to treat myself after passing the “Life in The UK” test which I hope will lead me to a better path and 2) Apart that I wanted a change of scenery, I wanted to use my Schengen visa before it expires. Hence, this happened; though, who would have thought that I had gone to Sweden’s frenemy?!

It feels great to tour another Scandinavian country; I actually had doubts on embarking a solo trip here owing to the fact that I had less preparations for it. I’ve said to myself that I’m just going to rely on my spontaneous instincts when I get there; Yet, Denmark is a breath of fresh air. The hygge has led me to enjoy and explore. So, here’s my 3-day itinerary to the 2nd happiest country in the world!

Welcome to my first entry of the year! 5 months after, and I have finished written this blog entry—I know it’s been long and outdated yet I guess that’s just how eventful the past year went for me!😅 I had a new job, re-located to another place then went back to Philippines for the holidays. And I've been writing this bit by bit as the weeks gone by. But as I promised, I’ll aim to write in current time this year. 🤞🏻
(02OCT24) Moving on, I went on a 14-day Euro trip with my parents and colleagues on my birthday last October! Thanks to Europamundo for hosting this trip; The travel agency offers Euro tours in various group packages good for family or for a company trip. It’s my first interconnecting tour across Europe as we went to 4 countries and about 10 cities which was tiring but an adventure of a lifetime. Though, the whole route of the journey was spectacular despite hectic transport changes by land and air.
Nevertheless, here’s a highlight of how our trip went! I suppose this entry might sound like my travel diary but I hope you’d learn something from it 😄
Chibi in a box made by yours truly!💜
Has this year hopped by so quick? Or perhaps, it was just utterly eventful? I randomly don’t like the number ‘23’ for some reasons yet I remained hopeful that this year would be better than the previous—and certainly, it was. 2023 has been my milestone moment despite sad days, a heartbreak and irrational decisions. But these challenges shaped me to become better that led to new beginnings (with travelling on the side, of course😉) as I reached another decade.
So welcome to my world. Here’s my annual year-in review…for better or for worst. NB: all thoughts are of my own.

(11SEP23) I usually spend my September as a travel hiatus from going outside the UK and for this year, I had an overnight stay in Bath! Well, I actually went there on a group tour last July but we didn’t manage to go around the town due to the tour lapses itself. But anyhow, I’m glad that I finally had this chance even for just a short time—-though surely, I’m going to return here! It has become one of my favorite places in England that is perfect for a staycation. 💓
Here’s a short feature to one of England’s elegant cities with a taste of Ancient Rome. The links to my suggested itineraries are included! 😉

(19AUG23) My travel hiatus has come to an end! Yet it felt really quick despite that I’ve been extremely busy as usual since normally, I would fill my days with work while staying in London. That was my way of distraction especially that the month of August has made me miserable at some point---but I’m glad it’s over. There’s absolutely a light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to keep going (and be patient!). ⭐️
So I resumed ticking my travel list as I went to SOUTH KOREA!! It still felt surreal that I finally, finally, FINALLY toured here even for just a short time. There were lapses along the initial planning of this trip but we managed to carry on and made it fun. I definitely need to come back soon!
I will share as much as I can about this trial-and-error trip but please be guided that these are written based on my personal experience. Hence warning, there will be negative comments ahead.⚠️

(24APR23) Who would have thought that I was FINALLY able to come back to Italy?! I have never really thought of touring there again yet but thanks to my friends for bringing me along their trip! We visited the Tuscany/Liguria region which includes Pisa and Cinque Terre---I cannot believe it. What once I was reading in other travel blogs now turned into something that I have gone to. Hence, I guess that the Trevi Fountain wishes must have worked (well, 2 out of 3 coin tosses yet!) ! Check out my pre-pandemic visit to Rome here. 😉

So here’s a 4-day itinerary to one of Italy’s beautiful cities and coastlines. Indeed, this has given us a break from the gloomy weather (and hectic work life) in London. 😝
PS: Yes, I have been watching Spy x Family and I superr love the series! So much love for the Forgers 💝
(31MAR23) In less than 2 months, I can’t believe that I’m back in Asia! Moreso, I am thrilled to spend this year’s Lent in Japan with my family❤️ I know a week’s never enough to tour another continent but I pushed through with this for personal reasons (and I’d save that story for another time, maybe?Haha!) and also to attend my cousin’s wedding. Nevertheless, it’s great to continue my “Japan Tales”—the post-pandemic era. 💓
Of all the countries that I went, it’s Japan that I have visited frequently and it’s a country that I wouldn’t really get tired of going back. It has a very safe community no matter which city you head on despite the language barrier. And apart from being a tech-world and a fashion district, Japan is known for its gastronomical cuisine.

I made a lot of Japan contents over the years already so as answered from my previous Instagram stories, here’s a random entry about my trip in Tokyo which will focus more on the food that I ate there! 😅 I have to say that Japanese food is a necessity for Asians like me and an interesting palate for other walks of life. 😉

(06MAR23) Is it ironic to say that I celebrated my 4th UK anniversary outside GB? I had the saddest February but lets not go in to that. To love yourself is to do the things you want; And so, I went on a very spontaneous solo trip to Sweden. I once told myself not to embark on Scandinavia yet (because it’s expensive) but my not-so irrational decision happened. I might have gone as a lone traveler again though I enjoyed the company of my own. Sweden’s cold, snowy aura has given me the good vibes. 🖤
Here's my 4-day chill and DIY itinerary that I had in Stockholm! I will stow my honest suggestions especially if you are planning to visit this Nordic country during Winter. Believe me, it can be the best time to travel if you want a quiet and crowd-free trip. 😉

NB: My recommended tours in this blog are valid any time of the season!

I hope everyone is having a good start of the year so far! Mine has somewhat an emotional trainwreck as I return to London. My holidays in the Philippines has been my elixir to heal from my personal problems. Words can’t express how thankful I am to be with my family most of those times. And now that I am back in British soil, let me simply say that I’m trying to take things here, one positive day at a time. Thus, enough of that dramatic intro.
I know that this is such a very long overdue blog but let me share my previous summer holiday in France and Belgium with my family! It’s quite promising to tour Paris again after the pandemic and nothing much has changed. We went to almost the same places since it’s my brother’s first Euro trip but there are new activities that we did. Also, we had a weekend side-trip to Belgium which will mostly cover this entry. Brussels is a perfect Euro staycation. You can read my previous trip to Paris here ;)
Oftentimes, I have been asking myself if I had a good run this 2022? The year progressed with a promising note that the world recovers from a 2-year pandemic. Hence, we welcome this ‘new normal’ with open arms while everyone had their own battles and shining moments. And for me, I guess the year has been a bittersweet ride. Were there struggles behind the flags I went? Even people bears it own red flags as well. Not every moment in life has diamonds and glitter. But they are still happy, difficult times in which I commend myself for being brave to overcome it.
This entry might come a little personal as this is my own year-in review. So welcome to my world, folks! Brace yourselves for this narrative post.

(17NOV22) Where is the lie when I said previously that I’m done for my Euro travels this year?! And yet, this is another spontaneous trip as me and my friend had planned it out for only about a week before transit. Though, I cannot believe that I am able to visit my most targeted European country ever---the CZECH REPUBLIC. Even for just a very short time, those 3 days that I have spent there was fulfilling!

Here's to share my 3-day itinerary to this lovely Bohemian country. Let me simply tell this: it’s always a great and cheap deal to travel across Central/Eastern Europe especially when you travel from the UK 😉 If you are in to some medieval and old-fashioned structures, then this is a must-travel place to visit!

(01OCT22) My annual birth month trip happened a little early this time! I usually travel after my birthday but at this rate, I had to go beforehand so I can make it to Oktoberfest in Germany! Albeit, my supposed-to-be trip last year has finally come true. Unfortunately, I had my own lapses at this point—I was sick (NOT COVID) ;( I was somehow at my lowest during those days that I was about to cancel everything that was planned on my birthday (including this trip); But I had to pull myself up. Hence, this trip pushed through.

Here's my simple DIY trip to Munich with the company of my friends there! Also, I decided to blog this first as my visit to Paris and Brussels last August was more of a personal leisure with my family. Nonetheless, I will still write about it at a latter period. ;)

(26JULY22) With just 4 days of rest after my trip to the Netherlands, I went on another Euro adventure towards Hungary! I went solo and very spontaneous that I literally booked it on the last minute! (Say, about 10 days before the flight? ;p) Basically, it was my annual leave from work during that period; I was supposed to spend it with my family however, our plan has to be moved. Hence, this happened alongside that I was in dire need to have a change of scenery. I know I made it to 3 years in the UK but homesickness still kicked me to the gut especially the moment when I transferred to another house and I was in the brink of some personal problems. I even had thoughts of doing an emergency landing to the Philippines but of course, that would be irrational 🙇🏻♀️ So instead, I decided to visit one of my target EU countries on my bucket list 💖

Let me share my chill and steady trip to this country known as the “Paris of the East”. Budapest has certainly gave me that picture of calm while having frequent strolls along the Danube river.