Nope, I won't let this year end without any new musings. Has it really been 8 months
since my last travel? The thought is frustrating and home sickening to me as an overseas worker. Nevertheless, I'm glad that it's inching back to normal here in the UK and I hope the other countries (especially, my dear Philippines!) would go the same as well. We deserve a huge break from this quarantine biz.
Since it's still a hassle to embark on other countries at this point, I'm resuming my travelventures within the UK border instead! This is even my first time to visit the local outskirts of England 😊 Last 14th August, me and my housemates went on a staycation to Cornwall located at Southwest England.
Cornwall felt like the Philippines' Subic or Clark, Pampanga to me. It is home to sandy beach resorts with lodges/facilities owned by a family business. Thus, here's our 3-day itinerary covering some of the go-to places and must-eats in this beautiful harbor!