Another month of creativity begins as #CLOYTOBER had its second run hosted by @cloysauce. It’s a BinJin fan event in which the fandom showcases CLOY-inspired content based on a day-to-day prompt. There's a twist this time in which the prompts were abstract words compared from the previous year. Despite the challenge, a lot of fans on Twitter still managed to join and I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s entries! It mostly took me back down memory lane about BinJin’s loveable moments in CLOY as such an event fills in the content drought. I loved how every fan had their own unique ways to execute the prompts through either arts or literary works. 🖤
While for me, I offered my usual serves of random chibi arts. Honestly, I was silently ranting the first time I saw the prompts because the words were too broad; To my mind, I was like, how do you make an art out of ‘green’? ’letter’? ’remedy’? then associate it with CLOY? wtf?! Just kidding. Never had I really expect that I miraculously created something out of it and the mere fact that all of my entries were chibis since I’m no fic writer, poet, musician, etc. lol. So let me share how I arrived with such ideas per entry. But wait---why and how did I start with chibi arts?!
Drawing has been my passion since I was little. I grew up as an anime fan at heart and oftentimes, I would draw my fav ones in a single frame. I’m fond of the cute and shoujo/girl genre which led me to adore chibi arts. Hence, it became my scribble forte at all sorts. Basically, I decided to chibi-fy BinJin because I was inspired from anime fan arts that I follow in socmed. Their strokes and designs caused me to think like what if BinJin have their version of this too? And so, this happened. ;)
#CLOYTOBER is also an event that makes you really think out of the box. Last year, my entries were purely made up of graphic edits with spiels of a magazine design, notepaper, candle, ramen wrapper, museum,etc. So another challenge for me was on how to conceptualize these things with my drawings?! Believe me, it has always been very tricky. But thanks to the CLOY Japan photobook, my thought process went a bit easier. Haha

First thing that came up to my mind was truly, Sanrio’s the Little Twin Stars so they embodied dear Dooly from Ep. 11—my favorite shopping scene. Some fans say that chibi Dooly really resembles Kiki and Lala a lot anyway ^^
D2- LETTER. This prompt came in at the right timing as I was working on Hyun Bin’s “Birthday Unboxing” version. Our charity angel received not just material gifts but honorable certificates and letters! Both him and Yejin are dressed up as Seri and Jeong Hyeok from ep. 13 to make it a little CLOY-related ;p An artwork like this usually takes me about 4-5 days to make because of the numerous details in it. Though I got to say, this type is my most requested piece of art commission. If you wish to have a personalized artwork like this, DM is they key! ^.^

Many thanks to LilTash for her thread of Hyun Bin’s birthday gifts!

It’s Seri’s turn to say 10 nice words to her Edelweiss blooms after Jeong Hyeok’s tomato plant! There was an entry from one of the fans about adult Seri with her child version—I really like that interpretation.

Of course, I have to make this extra special because it’s also my day (randompetite day). Thus, I offered Yoon Seri’s surprise birthday scene; Plus, welcome to the chibi versions of the ducklings! Man, they kinda look like Hyeoki too with their comrade hairstyle. Haha.
D7- NAME. This is one of the prompts that I was very clueless in a jiffy but suddenly popped out an idea. I was watching “Squid Game” during that week plus ABBA’s “Mamma Mia The Musical” was my current jam and so, I arrived with “The Name of The Game”. There’s no connection between the chibi and the lyrics, just the 4 mains having their version of the honeycomb game.

Don’t worry, they all made it ;p And I'd also like to welcome Seo Dan and Gu SeungJun to the chibi world!
D9- RAIN. Since I also started to watch “Hospital Playlist”, an idea occurred to make a crossover of it with CLOY's ep. 7.

Yes, I'm beginning to adore the lacking 5 ;D Isn’t it lovely to think of Jeong Hyeok being admitted at Yulje Medical Centre?! I hope I somewhat complete y'all Hosplay-CLOY connection!
D13- HURT. During the #SuitFitCupid fan event, there was Jeong Hyeok’s accident; Now, it’s Seri’s turn again from her car accident on ep.13!

Eventhough Hyeoki's glassy eyes look cute, it pains me to see a dying Seri and draw chibi tears and blood ;(
D15- GREEN. Introducing the birth of Hyeoki Jr! I’ve seen a lot of Dooly babies that time so I gave it a try for a chibi rendition.

The inspo came from ep 7 where Seri sewed a heart print on Hyeoki’s camo uniform. He passes his comrade cap to their mini boy 🥺
D17- HIDE. I finally managed to create a Vincenzo x CLOY crossover and my heart flutters for it ^.^ I adore JeonKi too and I love how I brew them in meeting the Dooly couple from ep.10 where Seri hides Jeong Hyeok in Angel Café. Likewise, this is one of the scenes that I wanted to chibify on my earlier days of BinJin scribbles.

D20- MEMORY. I honestly ran out of ideas for the 3rd week as much as I wanted to create entries consecutively. Even if I keep looking back at the wildcards, my gosh. Should I try writing a one-shot?! Lol, nooo way. I’d rather do creative writing on my blog :)) Yet suddenly, I got reminded that @cloysauce’s “Landing On Your Inbox” is having its 1 year anniversary so..

I offered a #serihawky tribute with a CLOY wrap-up party inspo. It’s awesome to see how this fic grew and shaped-up Dooly in an alternate universe. This is also one of the first fics that I have chibi-fied out of the blue and I never really expected to make more of it. From my personal fav scenes to those requested, I’m very honored. :”)
D21- SPARK/SMILE (wildcard). Simple Dooly chibi from ep.12, my favorite cinema scene and part of the reason why I used a wildcard was because of the lyrics! The song is “Sparks Fly” by Taylor Swift.

D23- RED. Meet the little heiress, the little captain’s twin. In conclusion, I’ve been very emotional while making these Dooly babies. Crazy as it seems but to see how my Dooly chibis are growing melts me. Little have I seen other chibiarts with babies so I kinda find this genuine to create.

& to see this baby doing a koala hug to Jeong Hyeok similar to what her eomma did?! Oh my heart flutters again!
D25- ANGER/DEVICE (wildcard)- The whole Ri family in one frame! Inspo came from Ep 12 when RJH gets overwhelmed with the praises he received online for his gentleman deeds. Well, how about adding 2 more heads in making fun of momma Seri’s work computer?! Goodluck, Jeong Hyeok!

D27- SOFT. This wasn’t actually my entry at first as I was already working for another soft edit from one of their Pyongyang scenes. A request suddenly came in about Hyun Bin’s latest interview from “73 Hours” and so I decided to do this instead having my curiosity over this lower body bath tub. Please take note that this is just a fanart (and my delusions. lol)

A glimpse of Binnie’s bare chest (in chibi form, at least! Hahaha). I wonder if it’s close to reality? In addition, I put on Seri’s bath scene from Ep.10 for a touch of CLOY ^^ I call it soft for the brush strokes I used in this art. In fact, I’m trying to master this type alongside working with lighter shades.
D29&31- HANDS/TOMORROW (wildcard) I didn’t get to posts ‘hands’ in the exact day because I was extremely busy with work -__- I wanted to do the “sunlight” prompt having their swiss chalet scene as an inspo too like what the other fans did but I did not really have the time to make it. Real life work had really consumed me then ;(

I thought I was going to complete all the CLOY scenes already but I guess I’ll save them for future events, perhaps? Including the Pyongyang scene I was talking about. In conclusion, there’s no really moving on from “Crash Landing on You” ;p
Once again, let me extend my appreciation post to everyone who continuously supported my chibiarts. I’m very grateful for every likes/retweets/messages to all my artworks. Thankyou soo much!! 💜 There are moments that I wanted to stop but I love BinJin a lot---it's a joy to create them especially when it comes to my manifestations 🙈 So I guess, stay tuned for more and wait for that wedding chibi art to come? Hmm ^.^