4)my newest inspiration.

3)Nihao HK//Macau!
So this is how my family spent our summer this year: visiting the outskirts of Hong Kong and cruisin through Macau.I certainly enjoyed Macau from its street foods and casino spots even for just a day. While I strongly recommend HK as a go-to place for first time travellers.My 'nihao travel series' might continue next year as I go to Taiwan!

2)Britney Spears' Concert (061517)
Her songs will always be the anthem of a teenager born in the 90's.From the classic "Baby One More Time" to "Oops I Did It Again",I believe everyone could relate to those songs! Likewise, The concert was definitely worth the wait,and worth the expense. 'nuff said!

1)Goin' Solo!
My week-long trip to Osaka has been one of the best experiences I've ever had!❤️Truth be told,many people will always doubt the wonders of solo travel but prove them wrong! My brave soul has taught me to be more independent and even with the slightest mishaps I've had there,I was still able to visit a lot of towns around the Kansai area 😍 Ergo,I promise to come back soon! And this won't also be the last time that I will go on a solo flight. ;)

Lasltly,thank you to all who have been reading my entries! Some of my old entries are underconstruction so please bear with me.I'm finding time to retrieve my other photos and likewise, I assure y'all that I'll make more updates soon!